DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I have today for the first time, had an opportunity of cursorily examining the “Bill for an Ordinance to provide for the Care and Assistance of Certain Persons”, recently rejected by the Northern Territory Legislative Council. As the Bill is presumably now under review I am prompted to offer certain comments which I feel […]
The Corpus
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Health Interest in Native Administration – 1953 [EN 8/67]
The future of successful settlement and development in Northern Australia is entirely dependent upon the control of certain tropical diseases endemic or likely to become endemic in the tropical environment. Prevailing environmental conditions will make the control of tropical disease difficult even in an enlightened white population. The existence of a substantial section of the […]
Current standards in the control of communicable diseases – 1954
The Director-General of Health Hygiene – Northern Territory In the course of my recent itinerary through the Northern Territory, I made a cursory enquiry into the current standards in the control of communicable diseases. The following observations are submitted to indicate desirable improvements in prophylactic routine. I should like, at the outset, to emphasise that […]
Native Health and the Labour Force in the Northern Territory [EN 8/69]
This article is a summary of an address given by Dr. C.E. Cook, Senior Medical Officer, Commonwealth Department of Health, to a Conference on Native Employment in the Northern Territory, held in Sydney on the 24th February, 1955. In the Northern Territory, as in other tropical regions, the environment is ideal for the intense endemicity […]
A proposal to form a national Medical Council – 1952 [EN 9/18]
THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The control and prevention of disease other than quarantinable disease and the provision of hospital and ancillary services for the people have traditionally been the responsibility of State Departments. As at present constituted these are largely the unplanned growth of bodies originally formed to control morbidity and mortality during the last century following […]
A proposal for the National Health and Medical Research Council [EN 9/17]
The Director-General The Royal Commission on Health 1925 recorded a number of comments and conclusions pertinent to the current discussions on a proposed Medical Council and the complex problems of the relation of such a Council to the N.H. & M.R.C. Available material on the subject of morbidity now not used might be made available. […]
NHMRC Poliomyelitis Committee report Feb 1952
NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL POLIOMYELYTIS COMMITTEE The Committee met in Adelaide at 2pm, Monday February 4th 1952, the Sessions closing at 5pm Friday 8th February NOTE: This abbreviated report of the NHMRC Poliomyelitis Committee’s first meeting, is to present its Scope of Study and Responsibility. As Chairman, Dr Cook took a strong stand […]
Public Health – Co-ordination by Commonwealth
THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The concentration of revenue collection in the Commonwealth Treasury under the Commonwealth/States Financial Agreement Act imposed upon the Commonwealth an implicit responsibility for the allocation of funds to the States, for, amongst other purposes health administration. Simultaneously, expansion of State and Local Authority Health activity calls for progressively greater annual expenditure, the funds […]
Preventive Medicine in General Practice – 1954
A position paper For some years it has been obvious that in modern communities the opportunities and responsibility for the study and application of measures of preventive medicine are with the General Practitioner. The Central Health Authority may attempt the collection of epidemiological information, design and seek to apply effective measures for the prevention of […]
The General Practitioner and Public Health Administration [EN 9/23]
A paper by Dr Cook, read at a meeting of the Federation of Country Local Associations, New South Wales Branch, British Medical Association, Canberra, April 20, 1954; Reprinted from The Medical Journal of Australia, November 13, 1954, page 769. The purpose of my talk today is twofold: first, to invite your attention to the importance, […]
General Practitioners in Medical Research and Preventive Medicine [EN 9/24] – a history to 1954
A paper Dr Cook delivered to a medical conference in 1954 In order to correct any misapprehension and to prevent any subsequent sense of disillusionment let me say at the outset that my talk today will have no clinical interest or value, will announce no new achievement of medical research and will have no pretension […]
Preventive Medicine
The Director-General With the development of the National Health Service the Commonwealth must expect to be confronted by annually increasing costs arising from the incentive of the insured subject to secure each year maximum value for his contribution and from the liberality of the medical profession – now relieved of any obligation to consider the […]
The Medical Practitioner and Preventive Medicine – 1954
A submission to the NHMRC Public Health Committee by Dr C.E. Cook The Committee is asked to consider and pronounce upon the following propositions:- There is a wide and important field of preventive medicine beyond the sphere of conventional health administration as applied under Public Health legislation in Australia. In this field measures of control […]
Notes for the Minister’s address on Immunisation [EN 9/24]
Minister for HealthParliament House,CANBERRA, A.C.T. 12th May, 1955. Dear Dr Cook, Thank you very much for your most interesting article on immunization. I did not expect it to be so full and extensive, but it will give me material for half a dozen speeches. Many thanks once again. Yours sincerely,Earl Page To: Dr. C.E. CookSenior […]
Health Problems of the Northern Territory
A paper read by Dr. C.E. Cook before the Australian Academy of Science, Brisbane, 25th May, 1956. In general, the health problems of the Northern Territory are those of the rest of northern Australia, but her they acquire special features owing to the unusual structure of the population. The problems themselves derive from: The tropical […]
The inaugural Elkington Oration
by Dr C.E. Cook, C.B.E. 4th August, 1958. Your meeting tonight has been made the opportunity to inaugurate the Elkington Oration which your Queensland Society of Health intends shall become an annual occasion to honour the memory of John Simeon Colebrook Elkington and to commemorate his outstanding service to Public Health and Preventive Medicine in […]
Dr Cook seeks to clarify his position
5th September, 1958. DIRECTOR-GENERAL On commencing duty here, I suggested that, as I was generally known to have been a Chief State Health Officer, it would be advantageous, if not essential for me in my relations with State Health Departments and the public, to have some form of title or designation identifying my work and […]
Tropical diseases in Northern Australia a history to 1962
A paper to an AMA conference in 1962 Tropical diseases in Northern Australia, individually and collectively, have been discussed by a number of authorities in much greater detail and far more ably than I can presume to attempt today, but I thought that in this year of my retirement, without too strict a definition of […]
Notable changes in the incidence of disease in Northern Territory Aborigines
by C.E. COOK (1963) Abstract Few of the diseases which in the past century have scourged the native population of the Northern Territory were indigenous. Exotic infections introduced into areas where native society was intact disappeared under the inhibitory conditions created by the environment and native habit. Only when natives were concentrated into settlements without […]
Aboriginal Protection – Aid or Hindrance to Integration?
A paper given by Dr Cook to the A.N.Z.A.A.S Conference in Adelaide 1969, extracted from Berndt’s edited proceedings of the conference From the time of Phillip it has been the acknowledged policy and objective of Australian governments to foster the friendship and co-operation of the indigenous inhabitants, and to extend the protection of the law […]
Problems obstructing the adaptation of the Aboriginal into white society
A paper Dr Cook presented at the A.N.Z.A.A.S conference held in Brisbane – 1971 What I am about to say will, I am afraid, make no scientific contribution to the symposium we have enjoyed during the past few days, yet I venture to hope my message may prove as important as any other to scientists […]