Report to the Federal Health Council A combination of diverse factors complicates health administration and the provision of medical services in Northern Australia. In the Southern States, the functions of health administration are mainly concerned with the sanitation of a white community of relatively high density living in an environment not greatly dissimilar in climatic […]
Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
11 Sep 45 JAPAN consists of four main islands – HOKKAIDO, HONSHU, KYUSHU and SHIKOKU sub-divided into 47 administrative districts. Of these, 43 are prefectures (ken), 3 are the urban districts of TOKYO, KYOTO and OSAKA, and one, the island of HOKKAIDO. The islands carry a population of 73,140,308. HOUSING: In the larger cities, particularly […]
Supplement to Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
DDGMS ADVANCED HEADQUARTERSAUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES INTRODUCTORY This report is intended to supplement and to add to “NOTES ON JAPAN FOR HYGIENE OFFICERS” which should be read in conjunction with it, since matter previously included has, to avoid repetition, not been duplicated here. As no decision has yet been reached upon the parts of JAPAN likely […]
Northern Territory Medical Service – 1951
The Northern Territory Medical Service was established in 1928 to provide effectual machinery to control and eliminate endemic tropical disease from Northern Australia and to ensure that the area might be maintained as one suitable for permanent occupation by a healthy and prosperous white community. Fundamental to its organisation were two basic principles of policy, […]
Health Interest in Native Administration – 1953 [EN 8/67]
The future of successful settlement and development in Northern Australia is entirely dependent upon the control of certain tropical diseases endemic or likely to become endemic in the tropical environment. Prevailing environmental conditions will make the control of tropical disease difficult even in an enlightened white population. The existence of a substantial section of the […]
Current standards in the control of communicable diseases – 1954
The Director-General of Health Hygiene – Northern Territory In the course of my recent itinerary through the Northern Territory, I made a cursory enquiry into the current standards in the control of communicable diseases. The following observations are submitted to indicate desirable improvements in prophylactic routine. I should like, at the outset, to emphasise that […]
Preventive Medicine in General Practice – 1954
A position paper For some years it has been obvious that in modern communities the opportunities and responsibility for the study and application of measures of preventive medicine are with the General Practitioner. The Central Health Authority may attempt the collection of epidemiological information, design and seek to apply effective measures for the prevention of […]
The General Practitioner and Public Health Administration [EN 9/23]
A paper by Dr Cook, read at a meeting of the Federation of Country Local Associations, New South Wales Branch, British Medical Association, Canberra, April 20, 1954; Reprinted from The Medical Journal of Australia, November 13, 1954, page 769. The purpose of my talk today is twofold: first, to invite your attention to the importance, […]
Preventive Medicine
The Director-General With the development of the National Health Service the Commonwealth must expect to be confronted by annually increasing costs arising from the incentive of the insured subject to secure each year maximum value for his contribution and from the liberality of the medical profession – now relieved of any obligation to consider the […]
The Medical Practitioner and Preventive Medicine – 1954
A submission to the NHMRC Public Health Committee by Dr C.E. Cook The Committee is asked to consider and pronounce upon the following propositions:- There is a wide and important field of preventive medicine beyond the sphere of conventional health administration as applied under Public Health legislation in Australia. In this field measures of control […]
Notes for the Minister’s address on Immunisation [EN 9/24]
Minister for HealthParliament House,CANBERRA, A.C.T. 12th May, 1955. Dear Dr Cook, Thank you very much for your most interesting article on immunization. I did not expect it to be so full and extensive, but it will give me material for half a dozen speeches. Many thanks once again. Yours sincerely,Earl Page To: Dr. C.E. CookSenior […]
Health Problems of the Northern Territory
A paper read by Dr. C.E. Cook before the Australian Academy of Science, Brisbane, 25th May, 1956. In general, the health problems of the Northern Territory are those of the rest of northern Australia, but her they acquire special features owing to the unusual structure of the population. The problems themselves derive from: The tropical […]