(Editorial note: It appears that Dr Cook wrote this paper around 1940. Dr Cook kept a number of drafts; this final version might not have been completed or published.) Dr. F. Goldsmith was the first Protector (1897-1903) who appreciated and who concerned himself with the new and growing problem created by the half-caste population. As […]
Medicine and the Australian Aboriginal: A Century of Contact in the Northern Territory [EN 4/3]
C.E. COOK, C.B.E., M.D. At the outset may I express my deep appreciation of the honour, implicit in your invitation to deliver the Herbert Michael Moran Memorial Lecture in Medical history? Conscious of this honour and its obligations, it is with some diffidence that I undertake the task. Leaving aside my personal shortcomings in preparation […]
A suggested Policy for better Aboriginal Protection [EN4/22]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTH AUSTRALIA ADMINISTRATION CEC/LRS (No 29/152) Department of Health, Darwin 1st March 1929 Memorandum to: His Honour, the Government Resident, Darwin A considerable amount of publicity more or less undesirable has recently been given to the conduct of Aboriginal Affairs in North and Central Australia. It has become customary for so called […]
Cook criticises an APNR brochure [EN 4/27]
28th April, 1931. Reverent W. Morley, Hon. Secretary, Association for Protection of Native Races, SYDNEY. Dear Sir, My attention has been drawn to a small publication issued by your Association dealing with the halfcastes in this Territory. Since it purports to be an authoritative statement one wonders why the comments of better informed persons were […]
Cook comments on the Bleakley Report [EN 4/31]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Department of Health Darwin N.A., 11th June 1929 His Honour, The Government Resident, In accordance with your instructions I submit herewith comments upon the Bleakley Report on Aboriginals and Halfcastes of North Australia. At the outset I feel I speak for all concerned at present in the protection of aboriginals in North […]
The Commonwealth Government statement on Bleakley Report [EN 4/32]
Action taken for the welfare of Aboriginals in North Australia and Central Australia The jurisdiction of the Commonwealth Government in respect of aboriginals extends only to the aboriginals in North Australia and Central Australia. The aboriginals in the various States of the Commonwealth are under the control of the State Governments and the Commonwealth has […]
Conditions of Half-caste Employment and the Social Problem [EN 4/40, 4/56]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE DARWIN, 23rd July, 1932 His Honour, The Administrator Conditions of employment. In North Australia until the introduction of the Half-Caste Apprentices Regulations Aboriginal Half-Caste youths were employed in rural districts under the same conditions as full blood Aboriginals; that is to say they were clothed and fed by […]
Conditions of Employment for Half-caste Girls as Domestics
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE DARWIN, 26th November, 1936. His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory DARWIN In reply to Mr. Lancaster’s further [audit] report upon the half-caste girls at Darwin, I have to advise that the wages paid to half-caste girls are 5/- per week plus full board and lodging, and […]
Permission to marry Aboriginals [EN 4/55]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE DARWIN 7th February 1933 His Honour The Administrator of the Northern Territory DARWIN With further reference to previous memoranda in which I have called attention to the very grave problem which has been developing in Northern Australia owing to the intermarriage of alien coloured races with aboriginals and […]
The Half-Caste Housing Policy – 1932 [EN 4/57]
February 2, 1932 His Honour, The Administrator. In my memorandum 31/1699 of 20th July 1931, I intimated my intention of submitting proposals for the amelioration of the conditions under which Half-castes, no longer under the practical control of the Chief Protector, live in Darwin. It was originally my intention to deal with this problem by […]
Cook requests a policy for the Warumungu Reserve [EN 5/3]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE DARWIN 11th December 1933 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN WARRAMUNGA ABORIGINAL RESERVE, TENNANTS CREEK With reference to telegram from Department of the Interior dated 4th December, 1933. I have to advise that I have already submitted my views on the matter of the proposed […]
Cook proposes a definite and progressive Aboriginal Policy [EN 5/12]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION, Aboriginal Branch, DARWIN 7th October, 1935 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN. Probably no phase of Commonwealth policy in the administration of the Northern Territory is beset with so many and so diverse problems and exposed to so much rancorous and conflicting criticism, from individuals and […]