I remember on an autumn evening in 1919, the wind in chilling gusts blowing ripples of rain across the gloomy street. The depressing scene seemed to accord with the mood of passers-by whose eyes reflected sorrow apprehension. Spanish Influenza was epidemic in the city and in the public view, had achieved the proportions of a […]
NHMRC Poliomyelitis Committee report Feb 1952
NATIONAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL POLIOMYELYTIS COMMITTEE The Committee met in Adelaide at 2pm, Monday February 4th 1952, the Sessions closing at 5pm Friday 8th February NOTE: This abbreviated report of the NHMRC Poliomyelitis Committee’s first meeting, is to present its Scope of Study and Responsibility. As Chairman, Dr Cook took a strong stand […]
Notes for the Minister’s address on Immunisation [EN 9/24]
Minister for HealthParliament House,CANBERRA, A.C.T. 12th May, 1955. Dear Dr Cook, Thank you very much for your most interesting article on immunization. I did not expect it to be so full and extensive, but it will give me material for half a dozen speeches. Many thanks once again. Yours sincerely,Earl Page To: Dr. C.E. CookSenior […]