To the Hon. the Minister for Health: The report on the Department of Public Health for the year 1948:- ADMINISTRATION: Administrative Inadequacy One cannot escape the conclusion that effective health administration is seriously impeded and the extension of activity into new fields largely frustrated by the out-moded and irrationally devised establishment of the Department. In […]
The General Practitioner and Public Health Administration [EN 9/23]
A paper by Dr Cook, read at a meeting of the Federation of Country Local Associations, New South Wales Branch, British Medical Association, Canberra, April 20, 1954; Reprinted from The Medical Journal of Australia, November 13, 1954, page 769. The purpose of my talk today is twofold: first, to invite your attention to the importance, […]
General Practitioners in Medical Research and Preventive Medicine [EN 9/24] – a history to 1954
A paper Dr Cook delivered to a medical conference in 1954 In order to correct any misapprehension and to prevent any subsequent sense of disillusionment let me say at the outset that my talk today will have no clinical interest or value, will announce no new achievement of medical research and will have no pretension […]
Preventive Medicine
The Director-General With the development of the National Health Service the Commonwealth must expect to be confronted by annually increasing costs arising from the incentive of the insured subject to secure each year maximum value for his contribution and from the liberality of the medical profession – now relieved of any obligation to consider the […]