C.E. COOK, C.B.E., M.D. At the outset may I express my deep appreciation of the honour, implicit in your invitation to deliver the Herbert Michael Moran Memorial Lecture in Medical history? Conscious of this honour and its obligations, it is with some diffidence that I undertake the task. Leaving aside my personal shortcomings in preparation […]
A suggested Policy for better Aboriginal Protection [EN4/22]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTH AUSTRALIA ADMINISTRATION CEC/LRS (No 29/152) Department of Health, Darwin 1st March 1929 Memorandum to: His Honour, the Government Resident, Darwin A considerable amount of publicity more or less undesirable has recently been given to the conduct of Aboriginal Affairs in North and Central Australia. It has become customary for so called […]
Cook proposes a definite and progressive Aboriginal Policy [EN 5/12]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION, Aboriginal Branch, DARWIN 7th October, 1935 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN. Probably no phase of Commonwealth policy in the administration of the Northern Territory is beset with so many and so diverse problems and exposed to so much rancorous and conflicting criticism, from individuals and […]
Health in Northern Australia
PRELIMINARY The problem of the health of natives in Northern Australia as elsewhere in the Commonwealth, is one with that of the general community and a programme for native medical care must be closely integrated into the health organisation for the whole population. Unless this is done two separate and complete medical and health services […]
Health – Northern Australia [EN 8/8]
Notes prepared by Dr Cook as a briefing paper for a conference in August 1950 following his general survey of June-July, 1950 It being no longer possible for Australia confidently to rely upon the successful exclusion of dangerous infections and disease vectors from overseas solely by practicable measures of Quarantine, attention must be directed towards […]
Health problems in Northern Australia [EN 8/4, 8/9, 8/13]
Report on a survey of health and social problems created by the maladjustment of the native population in North Queensland, Northern Territory and northern Western Australia*. *The survey occurred in June-July 1950 and Cook prepared this report in mid-1951 INTRODUCTORY: Although the functions and responsibilities of Health and Native Administration in Australia, except in Commonwealth […]
The Native Problem Why Is It Unsolved?
Lieut.-Col. C.E.A. Cook, C.B.E. M.D., etc. of Commonwealth Department of Public Health, Canberra; Chief Medical Officer and Chief Protector of Aborigines, Northern Territory, 1927 – 1939. Published in Australian Quarterly December 1950 “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.” Herbert Spencer. From time to […]
Inspection of Missions – Instructions to Medical Officers [8/11]
Report upon the inspection of Missions is to be made in accordance with the attached pro forma. For the information of Medical Officers the following amplifying instructions are being issued to indicate the scope of inquiry in respect of the various headings and sub-headings. A. SITE: Suitability. Report should indicate whether the site is considered […]
Health Administration and the Northern Territory Native [EN 4/51, 8/16]
Director-General 19th June, 1951 INTRODUCTORY The health problem created by the Northern Territory native can best be understood against the background of his mode of life prior to white settlement and his reaction to contact with European civilisation. In his traditional mode of life, the native moved as one of a small family group over […]
The 1953 Missions Administration Conference [EN 8/45]
An extract from the Conference transcript (p11-18) The Agenda was amended to provide for the presentation of PASTOR F.W. ALBRECHT’S paper, UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA. “Economic Rehabilitation of Aborigines” prior to that of Dr Cook’s. DR. C.E. COOK, SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER, COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, CANBERRA, on addressing the Conference on the subject “Educating […]
The Native Health Problem Today – 1955 [EN 8/54]
The health problem created by the native population in the Northern Territory today differs in some respects from that confronted when the Northern Territory Medical Service was first established. These differences are due principally shifts in emphasis upon particular aspects of the problem, shifts which derive in part from the successes of the Service in […]
Proposed Native Welfare Ordinance: Northern Territory [EN 8/65, 66]
DIRECTOR-GENERAL: I have today for the first time, had an opportunity of cursorily examining the “Bill for an Ordinance to provide for the Care and Assistance of Certain Persons”, recently rejected by the Northern Territory Legislative Council. As the Bill is presumably now under review I am prompted to offer certain comments which I feel […]