To the Director-General Methodist Missions – Northern Territory The Methodist Overseas Missionary Society conducts four aboriginal missions and one half-caste settlement in the northern coastal homeland. The four native stations are maintained at a very low standard viewed from any aspect other than the comfort of the staff. The half caste settlement on the other […]
Report on deaths at Hermannsburg Mission – 1929 [EN 3/45]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (CENTRAL AUSTRALIA) OFFICE OF THE GOVERNMENT RESIDENT, ALICE SPRINGS, 2nd September, 1929 His Honour, The Government Resident, ALICE SPRINGS Your Honour, I have to report that, acting under instructions received by telegraph from the Minister through His Honour the Government Resident, Darwin, I visited the Hermannsburg Lutheran Mission on Friday and Saturday, […]
Re Mr Nelson’s speech in Parliament
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE, Darwin, 17th November 1933 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN My attention has been directed to the Hansard report of Mr. Nelson’s speech of his motion for the adjournment on 1st November, 1933, in which he attacked the Administration for, as he alleged, suppressing the […]
Cook proposes a definite and progressive Aboriginal Policy [EN 5/12]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION, Aboriginal Branch, DARWIN 7th October, 1935 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN. Probably no phase of Commonwealth policy in the administration of the Northern Territory is beset with so many and so diverse problems and exposed to so much rancorous and conflicting criticism, from individuals and […]
On Aboriginal Reserves and Missions [EN 5/23]
2 April 1938 INTRODUCTION: ABORIGINAL RESERVES This report arises from enquiries made in the course of investigation into the activities of certain Northern Territory missions, with a view to the granting of subsidies. The matters there investigated proved so diverse and the subject of mission activities in certain areas was found to be so intricately […]
Health in Tropical Australia – 1950 [EN 8/3]
The following represents a synopsis of a lengthy report upon health administration and associated problems in Northern Australia. Statements made positively in this synopsis without discussion or qualification can be supported by reference to the more detailed report. The situation confronting the Commonwealth in tropical Australia may be outlined as follows: Three factors which have […]
Health – Northern Australia [EN 8/8]
Notes prepared by Dr Cook as a briefing paper for a conference in August 1950 following his general survey of June-July, 1950 It being no longer possible for Australia confidently to rely upon the successful exclusion of dangerous infections and disease vectors from overseas solely by practicable measures of Quarantine, attention must be directed towards […]
Health problems in Northern Australia [EN 8/4, 8/9, 8/13]
Report on a survey of health and social problems created by the maladjustment of the native population in North Queensland, Northern Territory and northern Western Australia*. *The survey occurred in June-July 1950 and Cook prepared this report in mid-1951 INTRODUCTORY: Although the functions and responsibilities of Health and Native Administration in Australia, except in Commonwealth […]
The Native Problem Why Is It Unsolved?
Lieut.-Col. C.E.A. Cook, C.B.E. M.D., etc. of Commonwealth Department of Public Health, Canberra; Chief Medical Officer and Chief Protector of Aborigines, Northern Territory, 1927 – 1939. Published in Australian Quarterly December 1950 “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.” Herbert Spencer. From time to […]
Inspection of Missions – Instructions to Medical Officers [8/11]
Report upon the inspection of Missions is to be made in accordance with the attached pro forma. For the information of Medical Officers the following amplifying instructions are being issued to indicate the scope of inquiry in respect of the various headings and sub-headings. A. SITE: Suitability. Report should indicate whether the site is considered […]
The 1953 Missions Administration Conference [EN 8/45]
An extract from the Conference transcript (p11-18) The Agenda was amended to provide for the presentation of PASTOR F.W. ALBRECHT’S paper, UNITED EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA. “Economic Rehabilitation of Aborigines” prior to that of Dr Cook’s. DR. C.E. COOK, SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER, COMMONWEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, CANBERRA, on addressing the Conference on the subject “Educating […]
Health Interest in Native Administration – 1953 [EN 8/67]
The future of successful settlement and development in Northern Australia is entirely dependent upon the control of certain tropical diseases endemic or likely to become endemic in the tropical environment. Prevailing environmental conditions will make the control of tropical disease difficult even in an enlightened white population. The existence of a substantial section of the […]