COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIADEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR,CANBERRA, A.C.T. 12th December 1938 MEMORANDUM: His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory,DARWIN. NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE. The Government have decided – That the Northern Territory Medical Service be made a branch of the Commonwealth Department of Health and be controlled by the Director-General of Health; That the Officer in […]
Administrative Inadequacy [EN 7/23]
To the Hon. the Minister for Health: The report on the Department of Public Health for the year 1948:- ADMINISTRATION: Administrative Inadequacy One cannot escape the conclusion that effective health administration is seriously impeded and the extension of activity into new fields largely frustrated by the out-moded and irrationally devised establishment of the Department. In […]
Population Trends in Relation to Health Administration [EN 7/61]
THE HON. MINISTER FOR HEALTH: Attached is an important report and recommendation by the Commissioner of Public Health, which is recommended for your favourable consideration. A laboratory such as that suggested seems to be an essential part of an important hospital, and the conclusions which might be reached following the research indicated, might prove to […]
Health in Northern Australia
PRELIMINARY The problem of the health of natives in Northern Australia as elsewhere in the Commonwealth, is one with that of the general community and a programme for native medical care must be closely integrated into the health organisation for the whole population. Unless this is done two separate and complete medical and health services […]
Public Health – Co-ordination by Commonwealth
THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The concentration of revenue collection in the Commonwealth Treasury under the Commonwealth/States Financial Agreement Act imposed upon the Commonwealth an implicit responsibility for the allocation of funds to the States, for, amongst other purposes health administration. Simultaneously, expansion of State and Local Authority Health activity calls for progressively greater annual expenditure, the funds […]
Preventive Medicine
The Director-General With the development of the National Health Service the Commonwealth must expect to be confronted by annually increasing costs arising from the incentive of the insured subject to secure each year maximum value for his contribution and from the liberality of the medical profession – now relieved of any obligation to consider the […]
The Medical Practitioner and Preventive Medicine – 1954
A submission to the NHMRC Public Health Committee by Dr C.E. Cook The Committee is asked to consider and pronounce upon the following propositions:- There is a wide and important field of preventive medicine beyond the sphere of conventional health administration as applied under Public Health legislation in Australia. In this field measures of control […]