The Cook Corpus is a selection of over 100 of Dr Cook’s most important papers; some published, others archived and some personal letters. The Corpus papers explain and expand some of the endnotes in his biography. The Corpus is categorised to link papers to specific subjects to encourage informed research.
These 600 pages disclose Dr Cook’s ideas and aspirations and his vision for Australia’s health.
This is the Cecil Cook who has not been revealed by his writing, until now.
The source
The original papers, prepared between 1919 and 1981, are unchanged in content and have been retyped to ensure a searchable record and a more consistent style. The Cook Corpus brings together some correspondence available in the National and Western Australian archives with reports and articles in his personal files.
The Cook Corpus was initially intended as a repository for documents referenced in endnotes of Cook’s biography, A Vision for Australia’s Health: Dr Cecil Cook at work, for readers who wanted the details needed to better understand an endnote. The Corpus papers are listed in book chapter and endnote (or year date) sequence. Other interesting papers and reports Cook expand the resource available to researchers and scholars.
Clusters of Corpus papers
Cook was the type of public service officer who gave ‘frank and fearless’ advice to his seniors on preferred priorities and policies. In the 1930s, before the discipline of public policy was established, he wrote a series of policy proposals that developed from challenging questions and simple themes to complex strategies. Most were ignored. From 1950, he was an advisor to the Commonwealth Director-General of Health. There are more articles pieces and conference papers in this era, some with seemingly similar titles on common subjects, but prepared from different perspectives. In retirement, Cook wrote a number of opinion pieces that provided the lessons of history in contemplating changes for a better future. In total, these papers indicate how Cook reinforced key messages through repeated emphasis on topics and themes.
The Corpus supplements the biography
Readers of the biography are likely to search the Corpus for specific documents relevant to an endnote. Researchers will tend to search the Corpus using key words relevant to their projects. A researcher browsing the Web might refer to the table that cross references the documents to key subject categories and select resources on their special interests. A truly dedicated reader with an interest in broad-scoped public health or in Indigenous history might read the whole 300,000 words in 660 pages of the Corpus as a supplement to the biography.
The aim of making the Cook Corpus available on a publicly accessible website is to provide ample information about Cecil Cook, his specialisations and work and encourage informed research of the history that underlies so much of current public policy and practice.
Browse Corpus Documents
- Inspection reports on Northern Territory Methodist Missions - 1950
- Spanish Influenza invades Sydney – 1919 [EN1/5]
- Oral History Interview of Dr C.E. Cook [EN1/10]
- Retrospect - 50 Years since the 1924 Leprosy Survey [EN2/7]
- Leprosy Scourge Let Loose
- A letter to the West Kimberly Roads Board [EN2/14]
- Leprosy Research Survey Route 1924
- Report on the proposed establishment of a Joint Lazaret at Darwin [EN2/25]
- Personal Letter to Jessie [EN2/30]
- Employment application 1926 [EN2/42]
- Personal Reference for the Minister - 1930 File No. 29/1118
- Disabilities of the 1926 Health and Medical Service System - and complicating factors affecting Health Administration in the Northern Territory
- Reflections on a proposed Native State
- Problems of Medical Service in Northern Australia
- History of Health Administration: Northern Territory [EN 3/28]
- Evidence to the N. S. W. Joint Committee on Hospitals, 1940
- The Requirements of Health Administration in North Australia – 1929 [EN 3/29)
- Re the Australian Inland Mission Frontier Medical Service [EN 3/44]
- Report on deaths at Hermannsburg Mission – 1929 [EN 3/45]
- The appointment of a Medical Officer at Burketown
- The Finniss Expedition of 1864 to Escape Cliffs [EN 4/1]
- The Mixed Blood Problem [EN4/2] – a history from 1899 to 1939
- Medicine and the Australian Aboriginal: A Century of Contact in the Northern Territory [EN 4/3]
- A suggested Policy for better Aboriginal Protection [EN4/22]
- Cook criticises an APNR brochure [EN 4/27]
- Cook comments on the Bleakley Report [EN 4/31]
- The Commonwealth Government statement on Bleakley Report [EN 4/32]
- Conditions of Half-caste Employment and the Social Problem [EN 4/40, 4/56]
- Conditions of Employment for Half-caste Girls as Domestics
- Re Mr Nelson’s speech in Parliament
- Permission to marry Aboriginals [EN 4/55]
- The Half-Caste Housing Policy – 1932 [EN 4/57]
- Cook requests a policy for the Warumungu Reserve [EN 5/3]
- Cook proposes a definite and progressive Aboriginal Policy [EN 5/12]
- State and Commonwealth Funding of Aboriginal Protection
- Procedure for Adopting the Progressive Policy [EN5/16]
- The Bagot Settlement as a replacement for the Kahlin compound
- Aboriginal Protection Authorities Conference, 1937 [EN5/19]
- On Aboriginal Reserves and Missions [EN 5/23]
- Rumoured appointment of Dr Donald Thomson as Chief Protector [EN 5/43]
- The Minister considers a new policy for N.T. Aboriginals [EN 5/67]
- The Administrator’s advice to Cook of a new policy
- Professor Elkin’s suggestions for a new policy [EN 5/66]
- Dr Cook’s personal comments on the Minister’s proposed policy [EN 5/69]
- Dr Cook’s professional comments on the Minister’s proposed policy [EN 5/70]
- The Social Status of Aborigines [EN 5/72]
- Statement by the Minister on the N.T Medical Service
- Transfer of the N.T. Medical Service to the Commonwealth [EN 5/64]
- Dr Cook comments on his removal from the N.T. Medical Service
- Hygiene Report of South Western Ceylon
- Letter to Robin about courage [EN 6/23]
- Report on Scrub Typhus outbreak 1943 [EN 6/38, 39]
- Personal letter re 1944 outbreak of Scrub Typhus
- Hygiene Report on Morotai Island [EN 6/51, 53]
- Disposal of Burned Cans [EN 6/51, 53]
- Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
- Supplement to Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
- Application for Employment in Western Australia [EN 7/1]
- Letter questioning terms of appointment in Western Australia [EN 7/5]
- Letter tendering Resignation – 1946 [EN 7/10]
- Report on the Nursing Situation – 1947 [EN 7/13]
- Administrative Inadequacy [EN 7/23]
- Population Trends in Relation to Health Administration [EN 7/61]
- Native Administration and Public Health [EN 7/93, 94]
- Memo regarding Resignation – 1948 [EN 7/114-117]
- The Native in relation to Public Health - 1949 [EN 6/34, 7/103]
- Health and Native Administration
- Employment Application - 1949
- Letter offering Resignation – 1949
- Memo regarding resignation - 1949
- Health in Tropical Australia – 1950 [EN 8/3]
- Health in Northern Australia
- Tropical Disease and the Australian Native [EN 8/5, 6]
- Health – Northern Australia [EN 8/8]
- Health problems in Northern Australia [EN 8/4, 8/9, 8/13]
- The Native Problem Why Is It Unsolved?
- Inspection of Missions – Instructions to Medical Officers [8/11]
- Letter to the Minister on Health Problems in Northern Australia [EN 8/14]
- Health Administration and the Northern Territory Native [EN 4/51, 8/16]
- The Northern Territory Medical Service – a 25-Year Reflective
- Health and Native Administration – 1952-3
- The 1953 Missions Administration Conference [EN 8/45]
- The Native Health Problem Today – 1955 [EN 8/54]
- Northern Territory Medical Service - 1951
- Proposed Native Welfare Ordinance: Northern Territory [EN 8/65, 66]
- Health Interest in Native Administration – 1953 [EN 8/67]
- Current standards in the control of communicable diseases - 1954
- Native Health and the Labour Force in the Northern Territory [EN 8/69]
- A proposal to form a national Medical Council – 1952 [EN 9/18]
- A proposal for the National Health and Medical Research Council [EN 9/17]
- NHMRC Poliomyelitis Committee report Feb 1952
- Public Health – Co-ordination by Commonwealth
- Preventive Medicine in General Practice – 1954
- The General Practitioner and Public Health Administration [EN 9/23]
- General Practitioners in Medical Research and Preventive Medicine [EN 9/24] – a history to 1954
- Preventive Medicine
- The Medical Practitioner and Preventive Medicine - 1954
- Notes for the Minister’s address on Immunisation [EN 9/24]
- Health Problems of the Northern Territory
- The inaugural Elkington Oration
- Dr Cook seeks to clarify his position
- Tropical diseases in Northern Australia a history to 1962
- Notable changes in the incidence of disease in Northern Territory Aborigines
- Aboriginal Protection - Aid or Hindrance to Integration?
- Problems obstructing the adaptation of the Aboriginal into white society
- Submission to Inquiry into the Health Services in the Northern Territory 1972
- Cook - Fenton letters