To the Hon. the Minister for Health: The report on the Department of Public Health for the year 1948:- ADMINISTRATION: Administrative Inadequacy One cannot escape the conclusion that effective health administration is seriously impeded and the extension of activity into new fields largely frustrated by the out-moded and irrationally devised establishment of the Department. In […]
Health in Tropical Australia – 1950 [EN 8/3]
The following represents a synopsis of a lengthy report upon health administration and associated problems in Northern Australia. Statements made positively in this synopsis without discussion or qualification can be supported by reference to the more detailed report. The situation confronting the Commonwealth in tropical Australia may be outlined as follows: Three factors which have […]
Health in Northern Australia
PRELIMINARY The problem of the health of natives in Northern Australia as elsewhere in the Commonwealth, is one with that of the general community and a programme for native medical care must be closely integrated into the health organisation for the whole population. Unless this is done two separate and complete medical and health services […]
Health Administration and the Northern Territory Native [EN 4/51, 8/16]
Director-General 19th June, 1951 INTRODUCTORY The health problem created by the Northern Territory native can best be understood against the background of his mode of life prior to white settlement and his reaction to contact with European civilisation. In his traditional mode of life, the native moved as one of a small family group over […]
Health and Native Administration – 1952-3
INTRODUCTION: Several factors contribute to the complexity of the problem of providing an adequate health and medical service in Northern Australia: The environment favours the endemicity of the major tropical disease. A large component of the population is of native race living at a very low standard of sanitation under conditions likely to contribute to […]
Native Health and the Labour Force in the Northern Territory [EN 8/69]
This article is a summary of an address given by Dr. C.E. Cook, Senior Medical Officer, Commonwealth Department of Health, to a Conference on Native Employment in the Northern Territory, held in Sydney on the 24th February, 1955. In the Northern Territory, as in other tropical regions, the environment is ideal for the intense endemicity […]
Preventive Medicine in General Practice – 1954
A position paper For some years it has been obvious that in modern communities the opportunities and responsibility for the study and application of measures of preventive medicine are with the General Practitioner. The Central Health Authority may attempt the collection of epidemiological information, design and seek to apply effective measures for the prevention of […]
The General Practitioner and Public Health Administration [EN 9/23]
A paper by Dr Cook, read at a meeting of the Federation of Country Local Associations, New South Wales Branch, British Medical Association, Canberra, April 20, 1954; Reprinted from The Medical Journal of Australia, November 13, 1954, page 769. The purpose of my talk today is twofold: first, to invite your attention to the importance, […]
General Practitioners in Medical Research and Preventive Medicine [EN 9/24] – a history to 1954
A paper Dr Cook delivered to a medical conference in 1954 In order to correct any misapprehension and to prevent any subsequent sense of disillusionment let me say at the outset that my talk today will have no clinical interest or value, will announce no new achievement of medical research and will have no pretension […]
The Medical Practitioner and Preventive Medicine – 1954
A submission to the NHMRC Public Health Committee by Dr C.E. Cook The Committee is asked to consider and pronounce upon the following propositions:- There is a wide and important field of preventive medicine beyond the sphere of conventional health administration as applied under Public Health legislation in Australia. In this field measures of control […]
Submission to Inquiry into the Health Services in the Northern Territory 1972
PREFATORY My purpose in tendering this submission is to draw the attention of the Board of Inquiry to what I believe to be certain fundamental requirements of the Medical and Hospital Service in the Northern Territory with which members may not be familiar, and the importance of which may not otherwise be brought to their […]