Report to the Federal Health Council A combination of diverse factors complicates health administration and the provision of medical services in Northern Australia. In the Southern States, the functions of health administration are mainly concerned with the sanitation of a white community of relatively high density living in an environment not greatly dissimilar in climatic […]
Health in Northern Australia
PRELIMINARY The problem of the health of natives in Northern Australia as elsewhere in the Commonwealth, is one with that of the general community and a programme for native medical care must be closely integrated into the health organisation for the whole population. Unless this is done two separate and complete medical and health services […]
A proposal to form a national Medical Council – 1952 [EN 9/18]
THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The control and prevention of disease other than quarantinable disease and the provision of hospital and ancillary services for the people have traditionally been the responsibility of State Departments. As at present constituted these are largely the unplanned growth of bodies originally formed to control morbidity and mortality during the last century following […]
A proposal for the National Health and Medical Research Council [EN 9/17]
The Director-General The Royal Commission on Health 1925 recorded a number of comments and conclusions pertinent to the current discussions on a proposed Medical Council and the complex problems of the relation of such a Council to the N.H. & M.R.C. Available material on the subject of morbidity now not used might be made available. […]
Public Health – Co-ordination by Commonwealth
THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL: The concentration of revenue collection in the Commonwealth Treasury under the Commonwealth/States Financial Agreement Act imposed upon the Commonwealth an implicit responsibility for the allocation of funds to the States, for, amongst other purposes health administration. Simultaneously, expansion of State and Local Authority Health activity calls for progressively greater annual expenditure, the funds […]
Preventive Medicine
The Director-General With the development of the National Health Service the Commonwealth must expect to be confronted by annually increasing costs arising from the incentive of the insured subject to secure each year maximum value for his contribution and from the liberality of the medical profession – now relieved of any obligation to consider the […]