12-A.G.H., A.I.F.,WELISARA.14.3.42 MEMO:C.O. 12- A.G.H. Herewith is furnished a summary of the salient sanitary features of the area included in the 25-mile wide band extending from Colombo to Matara. It is to be borne in mind that ,whilst the statement is believed to be as complete as it consistent with brevity, certain insuperable difficulties associated with […]
Report on Scrub Typhus outbreak 1943 [EN 6/38, 39]
AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES H.Q. 2 Aust Corps18 August, 1943 DDMS 2 Aust CorpsD of H LHQADMS 9 Aust DivADMS 6 Aust DivDADMS 17 (Cairns) L of C Sub Area SCRUB TYPHUS – 24 AUST. BRIGADE Throughout its jungle training period on Atherton Tableland from mid April to mid June, 1943, no case of Scrub Typhus […]
Personal letter re 1944 outbreak of Scrub Typhus
AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES Headquarters,NEW GUINEA Force16 Apr 44 Dear Bob, We seem to have got into quite a profitable and mutually instructive discussion. I myself think it fine and am learning lots going out in new fields to try and outflank you. Would like to keep it up but sensed I thought, a little acrimony […]
Hygiene Report on Morotai Island [EN 6/51, 53]
DGMS Adv LHQ SUBJECT: STAGING AREA 2 – ADV LHQ SITEPRELIMINARY HYGIENE REPORT DDMS Adv LHQ Staging Area 2 AD of H Adv LHQ inspected this site 23 Feb 1945 TERRAIN: Low lying coral sand flats cultivated with coconuts. Flanked by sea on two sides – coral bottomed MOROTAI strait side, sandy beach HALMHERAS sea-side. […]
Disposal of Burned Cans [EN 6/51, 53]
DGMS Adv LHQ Staging Area 2 It is urgently recommended that the policy of setting aside Brigade or equivalent camp dumps for the burial of burned and crushed cans be reconsidered. It is further recommended that this proposed method of disposal be abandoned in favour of that adopted by 1 Aust Corps after ample field […]
Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
11 Sep 45 JAPAN consists of four main islands – HOKKAIDO, HONSHU, KYUSHU and SHIKOKU sub-divided into 47 administrative districts. Of these, 43 are prefectures (ken), 3 are the urban districts of TOKYO, KYOTO and OSAKA, and one, the island of HOKKAIDO. The islands carry a population of 73,140,308. HOUSING: In the larger cities, particularly […]
Supplement to Notes on Japan for Hygiene Officers [EN 6/61]
DDGMS ADVANCED HEADQUARTERSAUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES INTRODUCTORY This report is intended to supplement and to add to “NOTES ON JAPAN FOR HYGIENE OFFICERS” which should be read in conjunction with it, since matter previously included has, to avoid repetition, not been duplicated here. As no decision has yet been reached upon the parts of JAPAN likely […]