One approaches the proposal with a scepticism born of the conviction that it will be revealed as the panacea of the visionary unacquainted with the problems involved. It is reassuring therefore, to find that its operation would not be impaired by its confinement to the myall native and the total exclusion of the already half […]
Cook requests a policy for the Warumungu Reserve [EN 5/3]
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA NORTHERN TERRITORY MEDICAL SERVICE DARWIN 11th December 1933 His Honour, The Administrator of the Northern Territory, DARWIN WARRAMUNGA ABORIGINAL RESERVE, TENNANTS CREEK With reference to telegram from Department of the Interior dated 4th December, 1933. I have to advise that I have already submitted my views on the matter of the proposed […]
On Aboriginal Reserves and Missions [EN 5/23]
2 April 1938 INTRODUCTION: ABORIGINAL RESERVES This report arises from enquiries made in the course of investigation into the activities of certain Northern Territory missions, with a view to the granting of subsidies. The matters there investigated proved so diverse and the subject of mission activities in certain areas was found to be so intricately […]