As a result of my investigations, I have come to the conclusion that it is highly desirable that there should be a change in the control of the Medical Service of the Northern Territory.
The present Chief Medical Officer, although efficient and very keen on his work, has not in my opinion those attributes that are essential in a head of an important Branch of the Service. Some of the reports submitted to me by him, while I was in Darwin were couched in most intemperate language, indicating that he had not sufficient appreciation of “public service” as it is generally understood.
In another submission I have recommended that the Public Service Board be asked to investigate the question of making the Northern Territory Public Service a Branch of that of the Commonwealth.
As a corollary to that recommendation, and for the reasons stated above, I consider that the Northern Territory Medical Service should be controlled by the Director-General of Health as a branch of his Department. The Head of the Branch should make himself responsible to the Director-General in regard to all technical matters, and should work in close co-operation with the Administrator.
This proposal has been discussed with the Director-General of Health who agrees with its adoption. The present Chief Medical Officer can be absorbed in the organisation of the Health Department on special investigation work on tropical diseases.
(a) That the Northern Territory Medical Service be made a branch of the Commonwealth Department of Health and be controlled by the Director-General of Health;
(b) That the Officer in Charge of the Branch work in close liaison with the Administrator and be responsible to the Director-General in regard to all technical matters.
J Lyons