The future of successful settlement and development in Northern Australia is entirely dependent upon the control of certain tropical diseases endemic or likely to become endemic in the tropical environment. Prevailing environmental conditions will make the control of tropical disease difficult even in an enlightened white population. The existence of a substantial section of the […]
Native Health and the Labour Force in the Northern Territory [EN 8/69]
This article is a summary of an address given by Dr. C.E. Cook, Senior Medical Officer, Commonwealth Department of Health, to a Conference on Native Employment in the Northern Territory, held in Sydney on the 24th February, 1955. In the Northern Territory, as in other tropical regions, the environment is ideal for the intense endemicity […]
Aboriginal Protection – Aid or Hindrance to Integration?
A paper given by Dr Cook to the A.N.Z.A.A.S Conference in Adelaide 1969, extracted from Berndt’s edited proceedings of the conference From the time of Phillip it has been the acknowledged policy and objective of Australian governments to foster the friendship and co-operation of the indigenous inhabitants, and to extend the protection of the law […]
Submission to Inquiry into the Health Services in the Northern Territory 1972
PREFATORY My purpose in tendering this submission is to draw the attention of the Board of Inquiry to what I believe to be certain fundamental requirements of the Medical and Hospital Service in the Northern Territory with which members may not be familiar, and the importance of which may not otherwise be brought to their […]